What is a Battle Beaver and why should I buy one?

Ivan Chau
Ivan Chau
  • Updated

A Battle Beaver is a small furry mammalian quadruped who has been equipped with weapons of war to defend against and attack its enemies. Alternatively, it is also the colloquial term for a controller that has been modified and upgraded by Battle Beaver Customs. 


Battle Beaver Customs is a small business home grown in the heart of the Midwest. All of our controllers are built right here in Texas by a rag-tag group of video game enthusiasts who want to make the world a better place. Even though we just entered the industry in 2015, we've already made big waves in the eSports community and innovated the field substantially. No other company comes close to what they have to offer against our patented Smart Triggers and Increased Tension. You are guaranteed to fire faster and more accurately with these two modifications alone. 



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